Saturday, 12 October 2013


Hmm.... Ok, how do I even begin this?
So yeah, I’ve got some free time, and I’m laying on my bed thinking of what topic to write on... But try as I might, I seemingly can’t focus my mind on a befitting subject matter and as I’m about to give up and continue with my Eminem documentary concert on youtube, IT FINALLY HITS ME!!.. “Junior”, I say to myself, “why don’t you write on those other people who had the guts to share the same womb with you?".. Needless to say, it seems a good idea to my ‘writers-blocked’ brain and my mind’s disparaging mode is thus activated. More on that later... So here we are, that naughty light bulb in my brain has lazily flickered on and is suddenly shining bright. And the subject of its mischief – Yep, that’s right - MY FRIGGIN' SIBLINGS!